Welcome to Armenian Family Tree™ Project
Armenian Family Tree™ project was created by the call of the roots of its founders. There is a moment in each person's life when he explores himself and realizes that his behavior, habits and visions are an organic part of his national characteristics. Shortly, he starts to feel his “Armenianity” in all possible ways.
Armenian Genealogy, ArmeniapediaWhen it comes to Armenian genealogy, the reasons will be much more. We can trace our history to sixth century B.C; we had kingdoms, principalities and even a short lived empire (95 B.C. to 55 B.C.). We managed to survive until now.
ArmenianFamilyTree.com is here to help you to research and fill up the blank pages of your family history, to reunite with your lost relatives or just to preserve your family's genealogical information in the most effective ways.
Order Your Family Research
We bet, now you are thinking, -“How can I reveal where my grandpa's dearest third cousin Sedrak's descendants are and if hundreds of miles away they “roll Armenian tolma” the same way I do”.
Order your family research now and we will help you to find all the missing parts of your family history.
Build Your Family Tree 
Secure a unique namespace for your family in our day-by-day growing Armenian families' society. Gather your family tree members online at your family e-place.
Bring your family tree to live with our genealogical charts, securely archive your family history and by the time entrust it to your descendants.
Order Family Tree & Crest Design
Have you ever dreamed about seeing an artwork of your genealogy tree hanging above your fireplace keeping your family dignity close to your heart?
Blow the dust from old history papers! Repack the information that you received from your grandparents and choose the best style for your family tree design.